Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where's the beef? Taco Bell's beef least of our problems!

I have to admit that I have gone to Taco Bell on occasion. Also McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy's. When you eat those fast foods, you are literally poisoning your system. They are full of ingredients that sound more like weed killer than hamburger helper. Not only that, but by eating them you increase your chances for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cancer. But they taste great!

Mike Adams examines the current law suit against Taco Bell that the beef in their tacos is more like 35% beef, not the 70%beef required by federal standards. To Adams, that's a moot point. What is scary is the fact that most of these fast food places sell food that is even worse than Taco Bell. Same with the processed foods you buy at your local grocery store.

Check this out and remember this next time you are thinking about McDonalds for lunch...

Taco Bell beef faked? No more than the rest of the FDA-approved toxic food supply

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Saturday, January 29, 2011

NaturalNews- The word spread like wildfire across the internet: An Alabama law firm had filed a class action lawsuit against Taco Bell in California, saying its meat fails to meet the definition of beef set forth by the U.S. government (and even that's a pretty low hurdle, if you ask me). The lawsuit claims Taco Bell's meat cannot be honestly advertised as "beef" because it claims tests showed the meat was only 35% beef, not the 70% beef required by federal standards.

If you're eating at Taco Bell, there's not something wrong with their meat... there's something wrong with your head.