Saturday, March 12, 2011

Much more vitamin D needed than originally thought

I've been taking vitamin D3 for the past 2 years as I learned it was a very important ingredient that we lack in our diets. We get vitamin D mainly from the sun, but food also may possess it. I learned from Roswell Park Cancer Institute here in Buffalo that they were doing studies involving vitamin D to see if it helped reduce cancers. Seems that the studies are in and they indeed do help prevent and repress certain cancers.

Now they are saying that we need from 4,000 to 8,000 IUs of vitamin D to prevent cancer. I have been taking 2,000 a day.

There are so many ailments that are attributed to the lack of vitamin D, that it appears we need much more that origianlly thought to stay healthy, especially in the norhtern hemisphere.

From the Natural News...

8000 IUs of vitamin D daily necessary to raise blood levels of "miracle" anti-cancer nutrient, declares groundbreaking new research

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

(NaturalNews) The reign of censorship and suppression against vitamin D is now coming to an end. Even though the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and many institutions leading the cancer industry (including the ACS) have intentionally tried to downplay the ability of vitamin D to prevent cancer, a new study appearing in the journal Anticancer Research lays out the simple, powerful truth about vitamin D that we've been teaching at NaturalNews for years: A typical adults needs 4,000 - 8,000 IUs of vitamin D each day to prevent cancer, MS and type-1 diabetes, not the ridiculously low 400 - 800 IUs recommended by the U.S. government.