Saturday, February 1, 2014

Get more olive oil in your diet

For the past 6 years I have been trying to get more olive oil in my diet. After breakfast, I get half a teaspoon of organic peanut butter and fill it with olive oil. I keep this up until the peanut butter is licked off the spoon. Before my dinner, I make a salad and mix virgin olive oil with my salad dressing.

I have read that in order to get the vitamins and supplements that I take to be digested properly, one needs to have natural oils to help the digestive process. Olive oil was my choice. Have always heard that it was probably the best of all the oils to use in cooking. Here's an article that lists the other benefits of introducing olive oil into your diet...

Understanding the benefits of natural olive oil

Friday, January 31, 2014 by: Sandeep Godiyal
Tags: olive oil, healthy oils, dietary fats

(NaturalNews) Everyone knows that natural and organic foods are far more healthier than their processed counterparts. Unfortunately, many people don't take to heart this valuable piece of information, and they continue to consume food products that are completely unhealthy for them. In doing this, they often develop a wide array of preventable health conditions. The road to getting healthier can begin today, and it can start by incorporating natural olive oil into one's diet. In fact, let's go ahead and take a quick look at five healthy benefits of natural and organic olive oil.


It has been written and said that the vitamins and supplements we take usually all get flushed out of our system before being absorbed and incorporated into our bodies. I did research on this to find a way to help keep the vitamins from being discarded before they do their work. One way was to start taking probiotics. Another way was to incorporate a healthy oil into my diet. Olive oil was the obvious choice. Here's more about the digestive advantages of getting olive oil into your diet...