Saturday, February 1, 2014

Get more olive oil in your diet

For the past 6 years I have been trying to get more olive oil in my diet. After breakfast, I get half a teaspoon of organic peanut butter and fill it with olive oil. I keep this up until the peanut butter is licked off the spoon. Before my dinner, I make a salad and mix virgin olive oil with my salad dressing.

I have read that in order to get the vitamins and supplements that I take to be digested properly, one needs to have natural oils to help the digestive process. Olive oil was my choice. Have always heard that it was probably the best of all the oils to use in cooking. Here's an article that lists the other benefits of introducing olive oil into your diet...

Understanding the benefits of natural olive oil

Friday, January 31, 2014 by: Sandeep Godiyal
Tags: olive oil, healthy oils, dietary fats

(NaturalNews) Everyone knows that natural and organic foods are far more healthier than their processed counterparts. Unfortunately, many people don't take to heart this valuable piece of information, and they continue to consume food products that are completely unhealthy for them. In doing this, they often develop a wide array of preventable health conditions. The road to getting healthier can begin today, and it can start by incorporating natural olive oil into one's diet. In fact, let's go ahead and take a quick look at five healthy benefits of natural and organic olive oil.


It has been written and said that the vitamins and supplements we take usually all get flushed out of our system before being absorbed and incorporated into our bodies. I did research on this to find a way to help keep the vitamins from being discarded before they do their work. One way was to start taking probiotics. Another way was to incorporate a healthy oil into my diet. Olive oil was the obvious choice. Here's more about the digestive advantages of getting olive oil into your diet...

Friday, May 10, 2013

More proof that statin drugs don't prevent heart attacks

There's a new video up at Natural News about how statin drugs are a money making machine and how they don't actually lower your chances of getting a heart attack or stroke. In fact, this article and video talk about how people with low cholesterol are actually at a higher risk of heart disease than those with high cholesterol.

On top of that, there are the horrible side effects of taking statins for a long period of time. That's why I stopped taking them as my brother and a friend had some serious leg problems caused by taking statins.

There have been a lot of problems with statin drugs causing muscle pains and related symptoms. My doctor wants to keep me on them, but I feel there is a more natural way to keep the cholesterol down, like niacin.

Big Pharm and the medical industries are making billions upon billions with the selling of these harmful drugs. It's time to stand up and protect our own health by making healthy lifestyle choices instead of taking the pill.

ust Google this phrase: High Cholesterol Levels Don't Cause Heart Disease and you will find hundreds of scientific articles proving that high cholesterol doesn't necessarily result in a heart attack. In fact, it may even prevent it!

Big Pharm has the doctors working with them in spreading these lies about high cholesterol and the prescribing of statins to reduce the levels in patients. Even healthy, young people are now being prescribesd these poisons that could eventually kill them or cause muscle problems.

If you are considering taking statins at the suggestion of your doctor, please read the following...

Here's from a site I just Googled...


Myositis (Muscle Inflammation)...Check the Meds!

Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR

Lipitor is a member of a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins. The statins include lovastatin (brand name: Mevacor), simvastatin (Zocor), pravastatin (Pravachol), fluvastatin (Lescol), atorvastatin (Lipitor), and cerivastatin (Baycol) (Baycol was withdrawn from the market in August 2001). Statin drugs are known to cause muscle pains and inflammation around the muscle cells (myositis). It should also be noted that the risk of muscle injury is greater when a statin is combined with other drugs that also cause muscle damage by themselves. For example, when lovastatin (Mevacor) is used alone to lower cholesterol, muscle damage occurs on the average in one person out of about every 500. However, if lovastatin (Mevacor) is used in combination with other drugs such as niacin, gemfibrozil (Lopid), or fenofibrate (Tricor) to further reduce cholesterol levels, the risk of muscle injury skyrockets to one person out of every 20 to 100 who receive the combination. The risk of muscle damage is thus multiplied five- to 25-fold by using a combination of a statin and another cholesterol-lowering drug rather than by just using statin alone.

In fact, the manufacturers of statins recommend that any patient taking a statin "should be advised to report promptly any unexplained muscle pain, tenderness or weakness...When a muscle disease is suggested, the doctor stops the statin drug."

You see, statin drugs cause three types of muscle conditions. First, they can cause muscle aching. This condition generally reverses itself within weeks of discontinuing the drugs. Second, they can cause muscle pains and mild muscle inflammation that may also be accompanied by minor weakness. Blood testing for the muscle enzyme, CPK, is mildly elevated. This condition also generally reverses, but it may take several months to resolve. Third, statins can cause severe muscle inflammation and damage so that not only are the muscles painful all over the body, they also become severely weakened. Heart muscle can even (rarely) become affected. Blood testing for the muscle enzyme, CPK, is markedly elevated. When the muscles are severely damaged, the muscle cells release proteins into the blood that collect in and can damage the kidneys. This can lead to kidney failure and require dialysis
This is from the Natural News...

Blockbuster documentary '$tatin Nation' reveals the great cholesterol cover-up; watch the trailer here

Wednesday, May 08, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

(NaturalNews) An amazing new film that questions the false medical narrative on statin drugs has just been launched on the Natural News video delivery platform. Called "$tatin Nation," the film features a dozen interviews with top medical doctors, authors and even patients who are now standing up and publicly questioning the medical myths we've all been taught about cholesterol and statin drugs.


Click here for full access to $tation Nation from Natural News.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The GMO war and what you should know

I have been reading a lot about GMO's and what they are doing to our food supplies and our health. GMO's are genetically modified organisms. Here's the definition from Wikipedia...

A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes. Transgenic organisms, a subset of GMOs, are organisms which have inserted DNA that originated in a different species.

There is a war going on between those that manufacture GMO's for such things as "better" crop and fighting weeds and insects. The problem is that GMOs are leeching into even organic farmlands to the dismay of farmers. It has gotten so bad in India, that suicides is a major epidemic with farmers over there because of how GMOs are causing havoc with their crop.

I will post a couple articles from Natural News about the GMO epidemic and you can judge for yourself the implications of GMOs on your health...

Scientific studies conclude GMO feed causes organ disruption in animals

Wednesday, October 05, 2011 by: Jeffrey M. Smith

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Backyard weeds for your salad!

Once again it's early spring and it's a perfect time to pick the dandelion leaves from my yard. While I may look kind of weird going around the front yard harvesting dandelion leaves, it adds even more nourishment to my organic salads I make every night.

Purslane is a weed that you always see in your garden. Who would think that it contains nutrients and vitamins that help keep you healthy. You can eat almost everything from this plane, from the seeds, to the flowers, the leaves and the stems. It goes great with a salad and also could be used in soup.  You can receiver five times more omega-3 than spinach and it is rich in  vitamin C.


Japanese Knotweed is another editable weed. The best time to harvest the leaves is early in the spring when the leaves are still furled. It is rich in resveratrol and has lots of vitamin C.


And don't forget the dandelion! I use that weed the most in my salads. It's best to pick the leaves in the early spring. The roots can be dried and also used in many dishes. The roots can be used for a tea and is highly-touted as an anti-cancer remedy.

Now there are even more weeds growing in your lawn and garden that are probably packed with even more essential vitamins and nutrients that you are unaware of. From Natural News...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dr Oz no wizzard in attack on organics

The all-out attack on growing organics in this country is continuing. With Dr. Oz going on board the big GMO companies ship, it shows just how desperate the big chemical companies are to hoodwink the public.

In Dr. Oz's attack on organic food, he says that GMO foods and chemically sprayed foods are better for you than eating pure, organic food. Soon expect Dr. Oz to proclaim the benefits of eating arsenic and rat poison!

Here's a good article by Mike Adams of Natural News about how low these big chemical and GMO companies are going to blind the public to the truth...

The plot against organics: Dr. Oz part of an organized, well-funded P.R. propaganda campaign to destroy the organic industry

Sunday, December 02, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

(NaturalNews) Dr. Oz's recent attack on organics has left a large number of people shocked at his betrayal of the organic consumer community. Yesterday, his Facebook page was being absolutely inundated with posts from people calling him a "betrayer" and asking why he would attack organics and start promoting feedlot beef and food made with pesticides and GMO.

But Dr. Oz's attack on organics is not the action of a lone madman who has lost touch with reality. It's part of a coordinated P.R. campaign that has been organized against organics, Natural News has learned, and it's being run behind the scenes by one of the most prominent P.R. companies in America.

Their tactics resemble that of Big Tobacco in the 20th century, which promoted cigarettes by linking them to freedom and "coolness." Today, as Dr. Oz's TIME Magazine article nauseatingly demonstrated, the P.R. strategy is to try to link organics with "elitism" by calling people who eat organics "the snooty 1%."

Where did Oz get his talking points?

Dr. Oz was not the author of the talking points highlighted in his article, I believe. Those were likely handed to him by the P.R. firm behind the attack on organics, and this same P.R. firm (which shall go un-named for the time being) also has links to the "No on 37" campaign in California that got caught breaking federal law, fabricating FDA quotes and impersonating police organizations in order to steal the vote away from the YES on 37 campaign.

The way the plot works is to recruit influential people, then convince them to put their names on highly manipulative, derogatory stories about organics that are placed in mainstream media rags such as TIME Magazine or the New York Times, often dubbed the "toilet paper of record."

Roger Cohen at the New York Times recently put his name on a story that called people who eat organics "delusional cult members." That article implied that people who choose organic food suffer from a mental disorder. For that article, Natural News gave him the 2012 Idiot of the Year Award (which, in retrospect, may have been premature as Dr. Oz is definitely in the running now...)

The world recently learned that TIME Magazine suffers from hilarious nutritional illiteracy when its own managing editor, Rick Stengel, recently declared that canned food was nutritionally identical to organic food. Click here to listen to Robert Scott Bell and Jerry Doyle break down this outrageously ignorant statement from TIME Magazine's editor. This is all part of the same orchestrated plot against organics that we saw Dr. Oz spewing recently.

Dr. Oz joined the ranks of the food sellouts by claiming that people who eat organic foods are "snooty" and "elitist" and even "undemocratic," as if choosing organic food is somehow anti-American. Real Americans eat pesticides and GMOs, Dr. Oz implied!

Who is behind this massive P.R. effort to destroy organics? The usual suspects, of course: All the same corporations that were behind the "No on 37" campaign. The near-victory of YES on 37 freaked them out, and they realized they cannot win the GMO labeling issue long term, so the only way to defend their territory and profits is to make healthy food seem un-cool and elitist.

It is my belief that Dr. Oz is part of an organized plot to destroy organics. Influential people are being approached and recruited. Mainstream media publication of the hit pieces is being "arranged" at high levels. Talking points are being crafted by master manipulators. And the whole thing is funded by the obvious opponents of organics: Pesticide companies and biotech firms.

Why is organic better, actually?

Organic certification is one of the best things to come out of the federal government. Run by the USDA, organic certification audits the process of food production, handling and packaging. A farmer who obtains USDA organic certification must be able to prove the he used no synthetic chemicals on his farm. Everything that goes onto the plants -- fertilizer, insecticides, etc. -- must be from a stringent list of acceptable organic items such as neem oil for insect control. This is all audited for compliance, both at the paperwork level (showing purchase receipts, for example) and physically at the farm.

At the food formulator and packing level, organic certification means you follow a very stringent process for tracking raw materials, blending food products, packaging and labeling them.

Both farmers and food packers are audited once a year by a USDA-approved organic certifier. This includes an on-site inspection which covers detailed requirements including cleaning solutions for machinery and even rodent control. Toxic rat poisons, for example, are not allowed to be used in a certified organic facility.

In great contrast to organic food production, a non-organic operation can spray any toxic sludge they wish on crops in the field, including sludge laden with heavy metals. Food packing and handling can take place in a warehouse that's chemically fumigated with toxic, cancer-causing chemicals. There are no requirements that food batches be tracked or tested for possible contamination. A non-organic label means, essentially, "almost anything goes."

Because of the requirements of organic certification, organic foods consistently test as far lower in synthetic chemicals, and of course genetically modified foods are not allowed to be labeled "organic" at all. Organic foods are higher in nutrients, and their production method is more kind to the planet because synthetic chemicals are not sprayed on farms and then washed into streams, rivers and oceans.

Dr. Oz apparently does not care about any of this. He wants you to eat foods sprayed with synthetic chemicals that pollute the planet. He wants you to eat foods laced with toxic pesticides, herbicides and unknown quantities of heavy metals. He wants you to think that eating more agricultural poison is "cool" and that demanding clean, non-GMO, non-poisoned food is "elitist" and "snooty."

Such is the sad truth about a man who has sold out to the propaganda interests of the biotech and pesticide industries. Organic food is "undemocratic," he says, implying that if everybody just ate more GMOs and chemicals, then we'd all be more "equal." Huh? Yeah. That's how warped the P.R. has become on all this: Let's all be equally poisoned and call it "democratic."

You are going to see the attack on organics ramped up

Watch for more high-level attacks on organics from major newspapers and magazines. Based on the information I have received so far, it appears this P.R. propaganda effort -- which smacks of the tactics of Edward Bernays -- is actively recruiting high-level people who agree to put their names on op-ed pieces that are essentially ghost-written by the biotech industry.

It is very common, by the way, for drug companies to ghost-write "scientific" papers that are placed in so-called "science journals" under the names of prominent scientists who are paid to take part in the conspiracy. The pharmaceutical industry got caught red-handed fabricating papers in this way about hormone replacement therapy.

So don't think this tactic is unusual. It happens every day in America behind the scenes of the corporations that manufacture toxic vaccines, prescription drugs or GMOs. It's "business as usual" for those who are trying to pretend their poisons are somehow "scientific."

Beyond the fraudulent authorship of papers and articles, the P.R. propaganda effort also involves distributing a list of distorted, manipulative talking points to news organizations and TV talk shows. They include points like "organic is elitist" or "not all Americans can afford organic food, therefore it's un-American to recommend organic to everyone." Watch for talking heads on the evening news to start mindlessly repeating these talking points in the days ahead.

Natural News is going to call out those who betray organics and sell out to corporate interests

As more journalists and celebrities betray the organic movement and put their names onto these propaganda articles, Natural News is going to name them and call them what they are: TRAITORS to the movement, to the planet, to honest agriculture and to the American people.

Remember: Organic food is simply honest food. It's real food, the way your parents or grandparents might have grown it. Organic food is grown without pesticides or other synthetic chemicals, and it represents the only real future to sustainable food on our planet.

Even more importantly, organic food doesn't promote Alzheimer's, cancer and other diseases like synthetic pesticides do. For people who wish to lead healthy lives free from the disease-causing contamination of synthetic chemicals and cancer-causing GMOs, organic food is the best insurance against developing chronic disease.

Anyone who attacks organic foods is attacking health, sustainability and the environment. They betray everything that matters to informed consumers who want to know what they're eating.

Any person who attacks organics is a traitor to humanity and a sellout to the Monsantos, DuPonts and Bayers of the world. It is a despicable stance to take, as these companies have been involved in some of the most heinous crimes against humanity ever recorded in the history of the world. Bayer, for example, saw its own chairperson convicted and sentenced for the company's role in Nazi war crimes in World War II.

This is partly why Natural News has announced a lifetime boycott of the chemical pesticide companies who committed outright fraud to defeat the GMO labeling ballot measure in California.

If you don't support organics, you have no credibility in the realm of health

For any person who wishes to retain any credibility whatsoever with the informed public, there is only once acceptable stance on this issue: The whole-hearted support of organic and non-GMO agriculture. Anyone who is not advocating organic farming methods is encouraging the destruction of the environment. Anyone who is not advocating organic food consumption is encouraging chronic disease among the population. Anyone who is not fighting for the full-disclosure labeling of GMOs is selling out humanity to the most evil corporations in the world -- the biotech giants.

For a person to have any credibility whatsoever in the realm of health or food, they must first establish that they embrace clean, pesticide-free food (organics) and that they support honest labeling of such foods (GMO labeling). If a person fails on one or both of these counts, they have zero credibility in the realm of health.

You will note, by the way, that Dr. Oz never overtly advocated GMO labeling. He invited Jeffrey Smith on his show for a few minutes, then kicked him off the stage to bring on a biotech shill who blatantly lied to Dr. Oz's audience about GMOs. It was all part of elaborate theater to pretend to be "balanced" on the issue while actually pushing a collection of corporate lies about genetically modified foods.

Dr. Oz is finished as a person with any credibility among those who are informed. And any other person who puts their name on a P.R. propaganda piece that attacks organics will suffer a similar fate: Widespread ridicule followed by a collapse in their support base (and hence their influence).

To announce that you are opposed to organics in 2012 is the moral equivalent of announcing you support Hitler in 1945. The informed public is far beyond the point where they can be manipulated into thinking that eating more pesticides and GMOs is somehow patriotic or even healthy. They're much smarter than that, and any person who attaches their name to this outrageous P.R. propaganda plot to destroy organics is going to see their own credibility and reputation destroyed instead.

Good riddance, I say. It's time we stopped listening to quack authority doctors who betray humanity and sell out to corporate interests.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Natural cures for skin cancer

I've been doing some more searches for natural cures for skin cancer. I haven't used the vitamin C treatment for a year as that didn't seem to be working. Then I found out about this misquito bite ointment for skin cancer, called Cymilium. It seems to be working somewhat, as the spot isn't as large as before and seems to be blending in.

However, I heard about this other treatment that some say has a 100% healing rate. It's from an eggplant and can be used topically on the area that is infected. It's called BEC5, but is expensive. It sells for $149 a tube!

Eggplant Cures Skin Cancer

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 by: Melanie Grimes

NaturalNews) An ingredient in common eggplant has been shown to cure cancer. The eggplant extract is a phytochemical called solasodine glycoside, or BEC5. Dr. Bill E. Cham discovered it, after hearing of a folk medicine cure from Australian farmers. They told him of eye cancers cured in cattle after application of a poultice made from the fruit of a weed called Devil's Apple, known in Latin as Solanum linnaeanum. This plant is part of the Solanacea family, which includes other common vegetables such as tomato and eggplant.

BEC5 works by bonding to a receptor on the surface of the cancer cell. After the cell digests the eggplant extract, it causes the cell to rupture. The cancer cell is destroyed and its contents are then reabsorbed by the body.

BEC5 has been proven effective in treating over 80,000 cases of skin cancer, preventing surgery. The types of cancer treated by eggplant are both invasive and non-invasive non-melanoma skin cancers. In every case the cancers went into remission and did not return. Australians have been curing their skin cancers using these phytochemicals for decades.

BEC5 acts by killing cancer cells without harming any other healthy cells in the human body. BEC5 can also be used to treat actinic keratose, the precursor to cancer, as well as age or sunspots on the skin.

Actinic keratoses are a possible predictor of skin cancer. These red patches caused by sun exposure are made of abnormal cells that can mutate into malignant cells in the basal, or lower layers of the skin. Squamous cell carcinomas are another common form of skin cancer, and one which causes nearly two thousands deaths annually. This wart-type growth has irregular borders and can also be treated with the eggplant extract.

Used as a cream for over twenty-five years in clinical trials in both Australia and the United Kingdom, BEC5 had success rate of over 78% when applied for eight weeks. Used for 12 weeks, the cream had a 100% success rate in removing cancers, none of which returned for the following five years.

Over one million new cases of non-melanoma skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States alone. Skin cancer is now the most common illness in men over the age of 50. It is even more common than lung, prostate or colon cancer. Incidences are so common that one out of three Caucasians are now expected to develop skin cancer at some point in their lives. With this simple, natural remedy, many surgeries might be prevented and health restored.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How goverments are controlling your health

The governments around the world are hell bent in controlling what substances you put into your body. Most of them are ruling against the natural way of eating and preserving your health.

If there's a choice between organic and synthesized, the government will force you to take the chemicals. That includes food and pharmaceuticals. In the United States, the states and feds are raiding stores and individual homesteads, confiscating the organics and arresting the occupants for having natural, organic products as opposed to the force-fed chemicals the gov wants you to ingest.

Here are some of the stories that took place that shows how adamant the governments across the world are to force-feed (if not tube-feed) the public from the Natural News...

The top 10 health freedom stories of 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Editor of

(NaturalNews) Throughout 2011, health freedoms were under attack as both state and federal governments deliberately sought to criminalize foods, mandate vaccine injections and arrest parents who refused to subject their children to toxic conventional medical care.

Here are the top 10 health freedom stories of 2011, all reported here on NaturalNews:

#1 - Rawesome Foods infiltrated by FDA agents, then raided at gunpoint while government goons destroyed $50,000+ in wholesome food