Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Natural cures for skin cancer

I've been doing some more searches for natural cures for skin cancer. I haven't used the vitamin C treatment for a year as that didn't seem to be working. Then I found out about this misquito bite ointment for skin cancer, called Cymilium. It seems to be working somewhat, as the spot isn't as large as before and seems to be blending in.

However, I heard about this other treatment that some say has a 100% healing rate. It's from an eggplant and can be used topically on the area that is infected. It's called BEC5, but is expensive. It sells for $149 a tube!


Eggplant Cures Skin Cancer

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 by: Melanie Grimes

NaturalNews) An ingredient in common eggplant has been shown to cure cancer. The eggplant extract is a phytochemical called solasodine glycoside, or BEC5. Dr. Bill E. Cham discovered it, after hearing of a folk medicine cure from Australian farmers. They told him of eye cancers cured in cattle after application of a poultice made from the fruit of a weed called Devil's Apple, known in Latin as Solanum linnaeanum. This plant is part of the Solanacea family, which includes other common vegetables such as tomato and eggplant.

BEC5 works by bonding to a receptor on the surface of the cancer cell. After the cell digests the eggplant extract, it causes the cell to rupture. The cancer cell is destroyed and its contents are then reabsorbed by the body.

BEC5 has been proven effective in treating over 80,000 cases of skin cancer, preventing surgery. The types of cancer treated by eggplant are both invasive and non-invasive non-melanoma skin cancers. In every case the cancers went into remission and did not return. Australians have been curing their skin cancers using these phytochemicals for decades.

BEC5 acts by killing cancer cells without harming any other healthy cells in the human body. BEC5 can also be used to treat actinic keratose, the precursor to cancer, as well as age or sunspots on the skin.

Actinic keratoses are a possible predictor of skin cancer. These red patches caused by sun exposure are made of abnormal cells that can mutate into malignant cells in the basal, or lower layers of the skin. Squamous cell carcinomas are another common form of skin cancer, and one which causes nearly two thousands deaths annually. This wart-type growth has irregular borders and can also be treated with the eggplant extract.

Used as a cream for over twenty-five years in clinical trials in both Australia and the United Kingdom, BEC5 had success rate of over 78% when applied for eight weeks. Used for 12 weeks, the cream had a 100% success rate in removing cancers, none of which returned for the following five years.

Over one million new cases of non-melanoma skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States alone. Skin cancer is now the most common illness in men over the age of 50. It is even more common than lung, prostate or colon cancer. Incidences are so common that one out of three Caucasians are now expected to develop skin cancer at some point in their lives. With this simple, natural remedy, many surgeries might be prevented and health restored.


  1. Here's an article about Cymilium and how it is used for skin cancer...


    Cymilium – Home remedy for skin cancer

    The first topical skin cancer treatment that I found works quite well is Cymilium, an over the counter insect bite remedy. Cymilium is a beige cream that comes in a carton containing 14 little foil pouches. Each little pouch is said to contain 2 doses, but I found I could get around 15 applications out of each one. I simply applied the Cymilium several times a day with my finger to my lesion with skin cancer symptoms, briefly working it into the skin until it disappeared. I then rinsed my finger because it became a little irritated over time if I did not rinse it. I usually reapplied it whenever I had to use the restroom. There was a bit of a sting and smell from the ammonia that went away within a minute. Otherwise the treatment was painless for me. For the first few days my lesion seemed to swell somewhat. After that, the lesion became well defined and then started to shrink in size. Significant healing progress of my probable skin cancer lesion was observed within a week. Cymilium is listed for purchase for about $10 US at www.cymilium.com in April 2004. I did not hyperlink this intentionally. I am not promoting, nor do I want to appear like I am promoting this product. This product is apparently not otherwise widely available.


  2. Very painful to apply and pain doesn't subside...cymilium even though it stings somewhat it is bearable and I see results of bringing tumors to the surface in a few days

  3. Hello everyone. My name is Alan Jakub, I am from Vegas, United State, I wish to tell you all how I find a doctor that cured me from SKIN CANCER, which I had for three years with his natural herbal medicine he gave to me. It all started one day when I was surfing the internet, I saw the comment of a woman called MARIA KATRINA from Poland sharing her testimony about how this very doctor cured her of Herpes Virus, but I never really believed, I just decided to give it a try, so I contacted Dr. SANI, and he told me everything I needed to know and what to do to get cured and free from my cancer disease. So I went straight and make provisions for the herbs which he used to prepare the herbal medicines for me, I applied the herbal treatments as he said, after a couple weeks, I was feeling much better and healthy, my strength was regained and immediately I went for check up at the hospital only for the doctor to tell me that I am free from the cancer, my skin was back to normal, and everything about my health is perfect once again. this was the greatest miracle that has ever happened to me in my life. And I promised Dr. SANI that I will share his good work to the world, these are few I can say about this DR. SANI, I also want to use this opportunity to thank him for his great work and solution in my life.
    If you are diagnosed with cancer or related disease, you can reach him by email: perfectherbalcure@gmail.com. OR WhatsApp/Call on: +2348118184266
