Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How goverments are controlling your health

The governments around the world are hell bent in controlling what substances you put into your body. Most of them are ruling against the natural way of eating and preserving your health.

If there's a choice between organic and synthesized, the government will force you to take the chemicals. That includes food and pharmaceuticals. In the United States, the states and feds are raiding stores and individual homesteads, confiscating the organics and arresting the occupants for having natural, organic products as opposed to the force-fed chemicals the gov wants you to ingest.

Here are some of the stories that took place that shows how adamant the governments across the world are to force-feed (if not tube-feed) the public from the Natural News...

The top 10 health freedom stories of 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Editor of

(NaturalNews) Throughout 2011, health freedoms were under attack as both state and federal governments deliberately sought to criminalize foods, mandate vaccine injections and arrest parents who refused to subject their children to toxic conventional medical care.

Here are the top 10 health freedom stories of 2011, all reported here on NaturalNews:

#1 - Rawesome Foods infiltrated by FDA agents, then raided at gunpoint while government goons destroyed $50,000+ in wholesome food


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