Sunday, October 16, 2011

Turn to nature instead of chemicals!

The current medical environment is geared at making a profit...more than actual healing. The Big Med and Big Pharma industries are in it for the money. They manufacture these chemicals and try to promote them as real cures, but in fact, they make things worse.

One can get depressed or really upset when he is hit with the reality that the current medical environment in the U.S. is geared more for making money than for making people healthy.

Instead of letting it get me down, I try to view it in a way where I can get something positive out of it. Instead of going with the system, I am taking another path. It's a tougher one, but I find that there are cures for everything in nature. Man can take advantage of that and try to use some of the God-given remedies, or try to invent his own, which usually cause more harm than good.

One last article, and it's from Natural News, that talks about how medical industry has gone so far astray from actually trying to cure people and help them in their quest for big money...

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