Saturday, May 1, 2010

Big Pharm & FDA's war on Alternative remedies

Money rules in the United States. If you have enough, you can buy enough clout to control what people read and think. Big Pharm has the money to buy lobbyists in Washington and to influence Congress members. Because of the huge money in pharmaceuticals, the people in power are bought by Big Pharm and Big Med to make laws that help their industries at the expense of the common people who just want to be healthy and be cured of diseases.

Alternative remedies proves to be a threat to Big Pharm and Big Med as these are multi-billion dollar industries that thrive on the sickness of people, not their wellness. Now the AP is going on the warpath to attack any and all alternative medicine, trying to discredit those approaches and brainwashing people.

Associated Press declares war on alternative medicine

by: Mike Adams
NaturalNews Editor
Saturday, November 07, 2009

(NaturalNews) The Associated Press has declared war on alternative medicine, publishing a series of stories attacking everything from nutritional therapies to bioidentical hormones. These stories, which are syndicated across thousands of websites around the world, are prefaced with the following highly-opinionated "Editor's Note":

EDITOR'S NOTE: Ten years and $2.5 billion in research have found no cures from alternative medicine. Yet these mostly unproven treatments are now mainstream and used by more than a third of all Americans. This is one in an occasional series examining their use and potential risks.What this note reveals is an extraordinary bias against natural medicine from the start. It's clear from the claim of "examining their use and potential risks" that the Associated Press isn't even looking for potential benefits of natural medicine. They're just looking to discredit it. And the part about "Ten years and $2.5 billion in research have found no cures" is factually incorrect.



  1. In the United States, Big Goverment is trying to inhibit any natural remedy companies from telling how their products can actually be of benefit.

    I found this article very disturbing and frightening. We are indeed in the era of Big Brother and it is the drug industries that are trying to poison you and at the same time eliminate any natural remedies out there. I knew that the FDA had a huge war against Stevia and other natural remedies, but to allow the FTC to have such a heavy hand at making their own laws without any approval is a violation of the Constitution.

    If this one law passes, it will allow the FTC to write any rule that will censor any vitamin or supplement manufacturer to advertise any healthful benefits of their products. The FTC won't even need any real reason to haul a company into court and convict them without a lawyer or jury. This could be the end of vitamin industry as we know it. People will be forced to use the toxic prescription drugs whether they want to or not.

    It is amazing how congressmen, supported by corrupt industries like Big Pharma, can sneak legislation into bills that can wreck havoc on the American democracy.

    This is pretty scary stuff! Please read the following article from the Natural News...

    Health freedom alert: Congressman Waxman sneaks anti-vitamin amendment into Wall Street reform bill

    by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
    Editor of
    Friday, April 30, 2010

    (NaturalNews) Of all the sneaky tactics practiced in Washington D.C., this recent action by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) is one of the most insidious: While no one was looking, he injected amendment language into the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173) that would expand the powers of the FTC (not the FDA, but the FTC) to terrorize nutritional supplement companies by greatly expanding the power of the FTC to make its own laws that target dietary supplement companies.


  2. It seems as if the people who are "dedicated to our health" in this country are more dedicated to the almighty dollar! From all that I have read, heard and seen, this country is a profit orientated society and any big business, like the health industry, especially in this country, will do everything in its power to keep the profits coming in. Whether this means keeping a fatal disease "alive" instead of curing it, it matters not just as long as the bottom line is met. In other words, the American Cancer Society and the FDA are in business to keep the money rolling in.

    To the patients suffering from these horrific diseases, it would probably be better if they moved to a different country that was more motivated in the actual curing process rather than just treating the symptoms.

    I know as a fact from the case of stevia, a naturally grown sweetener that the FDA has staged a vicious campaign against, that the government-run and lobby supported programs that are supposed to "protect the consumer" are more for protecting Big Pharma and other super rich industries. The consumer is only viewed as the cash cow, the money machine that has to be continuously "hoodwinked" or fooled by the propaganda coming out from the government health agencies, doctors and pharmaceutical companies. Everyone loses, except the patients, when actual cures are brought to the attention of the public, especially when they are very inexpensive and much less intrusive than the barbaric surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation used by the conventional health industry.

    Stevia, which has proven health benefits such as preventing tooth decay and not having any of the harmful effects of sugar or heavily promoted sugar substitutes, has been used in other countries for many years. In Europe, Japan and China, stevia is now used in most of sugar free soft drinks. In the United States, thanks to the ban imposed by the FDA, stevia is frowned upon almost as much as marijuana.

    The FDA, Big Pharm and the giant cancer industry does not want the people to know about alternative treatments for cancer that have a much better cure rate that the brutal methods to "treat cancer" used here in the United States. Mere mention of the use of hydrogen peroxide therapy or ozone therapy will produce a backlash of warnings issued by the orthodox health industry about how "dangerous" it is and so-called examples of damage and even death caused by using such an approach. However, they will not reveal that the success rate for the surgery-radiation-chemo therapies is around 3% at best, while alternative therapies, such as hydrogen peroxide therapy or ozone therapy are in the 90% range. And those therapies won't destroy healthy cells or impair the immune system.

    Here's some more thoughts about the hydrogen peroxide therapy method...

  3. I have known for a couple decades that mother nature has a cure for almost any disease. The problem is that we live in an age when profit is more of a motive than a cure to most diseases. With that said, there are answers out there, and natural cures to some of the most plaguing diseases of mankind. Simple sunshine can be a cure for most cancers, if one doesn't overdo it and get too much sun. Vitamin D3 can be used as a supplement, as can vitamin C, E and other natural supplements such as selenium, zinc, saw palmetto, cat's claw, garlic, pumpkin seeds (another source of zinc), along with eating these vegetables: tomatoes (and tomato sauces) broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, mustard greens, and turnips.

    One of the most amazing stories I have been doing a lot of research on is the use of hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapies. Hydrogen peroxide has been used for centuries in Europe to cure diseases and even the flu. This past century, many doctors and hospitals in Europe use hydrogen peroxide therapy, while it is practically banned in the United States. The reason it is banned here is because of the multi-billion dollar cancer industry that has grown even faster than the disease it is supposed to fight.

    I have found many legitimate medical sources that show that hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy are many times more successful in treating cancer and other diseases than the orthodox treatments used here in the States. However, with the Big Med and Big Pharm lobbyists in Washington doling out billions in bribes to Congress and other politicians, the alternative treatments are being treated like the scourge of the earth. In fact, treatments like hydrogen peroxide are looked upon in detest and loathed more by the American Cancer Society than the cancer disease itself. And with good cause....the trillions of dollars that are being spent on drugs and horrific orthodox treatments that actually do more harm than good.

    It is a gigantic industry and that's why there is a health crisis in America now where people, and companies that employ them, can no longer afford insurance. It goes from Big Pharm, to the doctors, to the hospitals to the insurance companies.

    Here's a case in point from the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc site...
