Saturday, May 15, 2010

The path to true health is in your hands!

It all started with Stevia! I wanted to find a more healthy alternative to sugar and/or the chemically toxic sugar substitutes offered at your local grocery store. My search on the Internet led to stevia and all the benefits it had over sugar or any other sugar replacement. It also had additional health benefits of being good for your gums and helping protect against teeth decay.

When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, the Internet turned into my second and third opinion and option. I found there were many different paths one could take to defeat this enemy and one didn't have to use the three main options of orthodox treatment: surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. From what I have found out, there is only a 3% chance of complete recovery using these methods. I also have learned that there is a cure for most every disease in nature. You just have to search hard enough and you will find it.

Nature doesn't have "profit" as the bottom line. The medical and pharmaceutical industries are geared to keeping their gold mines intact and protecting their bottom line: profit!!

While a lot of people may not believe in psychic power and other dealings with the paranormal, I used to do a lot of reading on the "Sleeping Prophet" Edgar Cayce. He used to do "readings" for people on all sorts of topics. The most common reoccurring theme was health and finding cures in nature. Cayce was able to find a lot of cures that people even use now days in alternative health care.

To me there are two main truths in life: You are what you eat, and the truth is out there.

One of the biggest reasons for the rise in cancer and other deadly diseases is what we put into our mouths. In this modern era of "eating on the go" and the other time constraints, we have given up the job of preparing healthy meals to others. The "others" are poisoning the food that we eat. From chemical sprays to food additives for long shelf life, the chemicals we digest that are incorporated in our foods are killing us slowly. It's like taking a small dose of arsenic every day. You can't taste it and it doesn't have an immediate effect, but someday it WILL kill you!

Steveia wasn't the first alternative choice I made in finding a new path to health. Over 15 years ago, I had started using niacin to help reduce my high cholesterol. It helped for a while, but my cholesterol gradually crept up again and my doctor put me on statins. One of the problems with niacin was the flushing experience I had with it. Eventually, I found a time-released brand and used that, but over the years, the product I used wasn't on the shelf any more. I have found a new non-flush niacin that doesn't give me any flushing, so hopefully, I can get off the statins that have given so many bad side effects.

This past year I have probably learned more about how to cleanse the body from causes of diseases than what most doctors ever learn. The few doctors who know about the real cause and effect of eating and nutrition will not preach to their patients about the way to perfect health is through a complete change in their eating habits. Such advice could lead to them losing their licenses. If a doctor is diagnosed with cancer, he most likely will not follow his own advice for his treatment. He will most likely find an alternative treatment that will have a much better chance of truly healing him.

I will have much more to say about this topic in the future, but wanted to start off this chapter showing that there are alternative paths to REAL health than what the orthodox medical industry tells you. You can take whatever path you want, but you owe it to yourself and the ones who love and depend on you that you weigh every option available to you, alternative or orthodox.

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