Thursday, June 17, 2010

Statin drugs cause more harm than good

No matter how much I complain to my doctor, he still wants me to stick with statins and possibly go to a stronger one! He wants me to get my cholestrol down to around 150, but from what I read, the whole cholestrol thing is just hyped up by the medical profession.My older brother had muscle damage to his legs because of taking statins so long. Now he can't walk too far or play golf. A friend of mine ended up in the hosptial with intense pains because of taking statins.

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has more disturbing news about statins and their side effects that are worse than the benefits of using them...

Big Pharma lies about statin drugs finally exposed in British Medical Journal

To hear Big Pharma tell it, statin drugs are "miracle" medicines that have prevented millions of heart attacks and strokes. But a recent study published in the British Medical Journal tells a completely different story: For every heart attack prevented by the drug, two or more people suffered liver damage, kidney failure, cataracts or extreme muscle weakness as a result of taking the drug. Statin drugs, in other words, harm far more people than they help.


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