Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Are you absorbing your vitamins and nutrients?

Anyone who takes supplements for vitamins and nutrients sometimes wonders if these are being absorbed at all or "going right down the toilet."

I did a search to find about how the body absorbs nutrients and what one must do to make sure that his money isn't going "down the drain."

Since I have a lot of money tied up in vitamins, nutrients and minerals in the form of supplements, the past two days I have been intensely searching for ways in which to better absorb these supplements. From what I have recently discovered, the supplements are attacked by the acids in our stomach and are mostly neutralized or destroyed. In other words, the money spent on these supplements is literally going down the drain.

I have found two ways in which to have the supplements be absorbed better by our digestive systems. One is to find supplements of vitamins and nutrients that are Enteric Coated which all the supplements to withstand the attack by the acids in the stomach and pass intact into the intestines where they eventually dissolve and are incorporated into our systems.

The other way is to make sure we get the proper healthy fats, which then help the essential vitamins like A, Bs, C, K & E get into our system. While I now feel that the Enteric Coated tablets is the best way to go in which to get the highest percentage of the supplement into our system, using a healthy fat, such as Omega 3 fish oil, may be the best alternative until I can find a reasonably priced vitamin or nutrient which has the Enteric Coated cover.

I found that there are healthy fats that are important in the absorbing of vitamins and nutrients. Here is an article written by Mike Adams of Natural News about the subject...

Dietary fat is necessary for absorption of vitamins, nutrients and phytochemicals from fruits and vegetables

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

A fascinating new study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that dietary fat is necessary for the absorption of nutrients from fruits and vegetables. In the study, people who consumed salads with fat-free salad dressing absorbed far less of the helpful phytonutrients and vitamins from spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and carrots than those who consumed their salads with a salad dressing containing fat. This is interesting research, but not necessarily all that surprising. We've known for a long time that healthy fats are a critical part of a healthy diet, and that avoiding fats actually causes chronic disease. The key is in choosing the right kind of fats for your diet and making sure you don't overdo the fats, because fats have a very high caloric density and can add far more calories to your meal than you might expect.


Here's another article about how healthy fats are essential, not only for the absorbing of our vitamins, but to help maintain our health...

What are the different types of healthy fats and oils?

Fats and oils are made up of basic units called fatty acids. Each type of fat or oil is a mixture of different fatty acids. Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA) are found mainly in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives and avocadoes. They are liquid at room temperature.



  1. I have heard before about taking vitamins and supplements and having them pass right through you. With the amount of money I have spent on vitamins and nutrients this past year, I did a little research on how to get the system to absorb them better.

    What I found out is that some high end supplement dealers do use a enteric coated outer shell which isn't attacked and dissolved by the stomach acids. When this happens, the vitamins are rendered neutral and don't do what they are supposed to do. In other words, it's money down the drain. The enteric coated pills, however, protect the supplement from the acids and then they are absorbed into the system when they reach the intestine.

    Here's an article about the enteric coated pill...

    Vitamin Absorption

    How Enteric Coating Works To Get ALL Those Expensive Ingredients Into you

    Vitamin absorption is a CRUCIAL aspect to consider when evaluating supplements. Absorption, known technically as bioavailability, can and does vary significantly from supplement to supplement. Please keep that in mind if you are a consumer who buys according to price.


  2. For every scientific study that says one thing, just wait a couple years and there will be another one stating the complete opposite. It has been that way for years. Now with the big thing about enteric coatings being so much better for vitamins and nutrients to be abosorbed, I thought I would do a search to see if this were a scam. And sure enough, there is proof that this could just be manufacturers trying to make a big buck.

    On this one site, probably the only one I have found in my searches the past two weeks that sells multivitamins, a month supply costs over $48 for their enteric coated vitamin. That's over 5 times as much as I pay for my One A Day Mens vitamin! Is this so much better? Are the vitamins I am taking going right down the toilet as their ads proclaim? Can a company like Xtend Life show me proof that their coated tablets are being absorbed 100%?

    This is their Men's multivitamin, Total Balance Men's,120 enteric coated tablets, costing $48.25. Add the estimated $6.50 for shipping & handling and it's costing you $54.75 a month! That's $660 a year for a multivitamin! At that price, I better be feeling great, as if I were 20 again!

    That's the one thing I have found on these alternative health supplement sites. They have a glitzy web site that draws you in and makes you believe that if you take their products, you will be so much healthier. I'm starting to think all of them are a scam.

    Here's one author who states the same when he talks about enteric coated Omega 3 fish oil tablets...

    Enteric coated fish oil supplements-do not believe everything you hear

    If you were thinking about buying enteric coated fish oil supplements this article is a must read for you. The simple facts are that many manufacturers of supplements make all kinds of crazy claims sadly none of them live up to expectations. These unscrupulous merchants are simply banking on the consumer not knowing exactly what to look for.


  3. I have been studying ways in which to increase my absorption of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Previously on this thread, I stated how the stomach acids will attack and destroy the supplements that you and I take. Since I am spending so much money on these supplements, I wanted to find a way to let these nutrients do their job. Last weekend, I came across this article about probiotics essential role in helping with this process.

    After much research, I ordered Sustenex and started to take it. Hopefully, it will do its job. Here's the link to the Sustenex home page with info about their probiotics...

    This is the article about the benefits of taking probiotics...

    Key Ingredients to Help Boosting Your Absorption of Nutrients

    •The proper absorption of nutrients is important for good health

    •Just eating healthy does not always mean effective nutrition, there is more to it than that

    •The bioavailability of nutrients is important for all your required bodily tissues and processes

