Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stinging Nettle for allergies, cancer, inflammation

My allergies have been their absolute worst these past 6 weeks. I have had to use my Advair more than I wanted to for my asthma, and my eyes have been itching and watering for weeks. I have a limited supply of Allegra, which I used to get an now cannot as my insurance doesn't cover it. I have used that, but tried an over the counter brand, Zyrtec, and that really made me drowsy and had the feeling of when you take those cold medicines the night after. I didn't feel better for over 24 hours. It was worse than experiencing the allergies.

I had been searching for a natural cure for allergies and came across Stinging Nettle. It was supposedly a natural source of antihistimes. I got my shipment of Stinging Nettle and have tried it for a week now. It does seem to help, however I have still had some allegy problems like sneezing and stuffy nose, along with itchy eyes. But it has helped some and doesn't have any side effects.

I have done more research on Stinging Nettle and have found that it has a wide range of benefits. It could help reduce prostate cancer and other cancers, help reduce inflammation and other ailments.

Here's a good article about it...

Nettle Benefits

Nettle has been used for centuries to treat allergy symptoms, particularly hayfever which is the most common allergy problem. It contains biologically active compounds that reduce inflammation. Dr. Andrew Wiel M.D. author of Natural Health/ Natural Medicine says he knows of nothing more effective than nettle for allergy relief. And his statement is backed up by studies at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

Decongestants, antihistamines, allergy shots and even prescription medications such as Allegra and Claritin treat only the symptoms of allergies and tend to lose effectiveness over a period of time. They can also cause drowsiness, dry sinuses, insomnia and high blood pressure. Nettle has none of these side effects. It can be used on a regular basis and has an impressive number of other benefits most notably as a treatment for prostate enlargement.


1 comment:

  1. I have read numerous articles about Stinging Nettle and its benefits. Mostly, it has been used to help relieve allergies. So far, after one day, it seems to be working for me. I have tried everything, including Zyrtec and Allegra. Have also gone the natural route with using the Himalayan Crystal Salt Inhaler and Apple Cider Vinegar in water.

    This is another article about the benefits of Stinging Nettle...

    Eight Health Benefits of Stinging Nettle

    This article clearly specifies the benefits of stinging nettle and its use fields in medical industry. It is a well-written article about Urtica Dioica, that is, Stinging nettle in botany.

    Once I was listening the health benefits of herbs on the radio, a specialist on the herbs said that stinging nettle was one of the most effective and beneficial herbs for our health. He said that if people was aware of the benefits of nettle and how curative it was, they cultivated nothing but nettle. This allegation may seem a little bit unrealitic or pretentious, however it has many great benefits indeed.

    Stinging nettle, or commonly know with it’s botanical name Urtica Dioica, is a plant growing in the tropical areas around the world. The homeland of nettle is Brazil and other South American countries. It is also abundant in Northern Europe and Asia. Nettle has a well-known reputation for giving a sting when the skin touches the hairs and bristles on the leaves and stems. It grows 2 to 4 meters.It has white,green and yellow leaves. When someone feels being stung by nettle, this is actually because of the irritants in the nettle. Some of those irritants are formic acid,histamine and acetylcholine. After this little introduction about stinging nettle, let’s talk about our main topic, that is, the health benefits of it.

    Here is some of the well-known curative properties of nettle.

    1.It is used as diuretic

    2.It is used to treat anemia since nettle leaves contain high amount of iron content. It also helps to formation and coagulation of blood cells.

    3.It is used in the treatment of arthrites and rheumatism

    4.It protects respiratory and urinary problems.

    5.It decreases the risk of eczema and other skin disorders. Additionally, it is used in asthma treatment.

    6.It is used in the treatment of benign prostate.

    7.It is used in the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis.

    8.It protects hair loss (Alopecia)
