Sunday, March 14, 2010
Search the web for second (and third) opinions!
When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I was floored. I mentioned to my doctor that I was considering getting a second opinion. He kind of tried to talk me out of it with some off the cuff remark, but I decided to do a little searching online. I did set up an appointment with Roswell Cancer Institute in Buffalo and sent my lab results there. My original specialist had suggested that I have radioactive seeds implanted, called Brachytherapy, as I would be able to go back to work within 3 days, as opposed to being out a month or so if I had the radical surgery to completely remove my prostate.
At Roswell, I saw 2 specialists and the urologist suggested that I have the Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy, or complete removal. They also wanted me to join a study group that would take vitamin D supplements to study the effects of that.
After this, I decided to explore the Net and find some answers myself before I made up my mind on how to deal with this problem. I found many answers on the Internet that suggested that the big Cancer industry was mostly out for their own profits and that even doctors won’t have the chemotherapy, or other orthodox methods, done to themselves if they have cancer. They seek alternative treatments as they won’t subject themselves to the brutal and barbaric methods of Big Medicine in America.
I have found out through my research on the Internet that there are many answers out there that are much more effective than the treatments offered by the cancer industry. The orthodox treatments are the cash cow of this multi-billion dollar industry and any alternative treatment is considered a threat to their huge profits and will be treated as such. Big Med and Big Pharm have declared war against natural and alternative medicine and will employ every tactic in the books to defeat these enemies.
Using the Internet is one way to beat the propaganda employed by Big Med and much research and comparison is need before a patient can find the ultimate treatment for his ailments. For cancer patients, I would suggest visiting for some very valuable information on natural and alternative cures for cancer.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Vitamin C can cure skin cancer!
After that, I learned on Cancer Tutor about the use of topic vitamin C to treat skin cancer (not the melanoma skin cancer, which is worse).
I did some research on the topic and have read about a lot of people curing their skin cancer this way, by putting a dab of solution of vitamin C crystals mixed water on the sore. After two weeks, it is supposed to have the scab fall off. This is much better than paying over $2,000 for the surgery and the resulting scars.I go to the Cancer Tutor web site for a lot of my alternative health info.
Here's their article about using vitamin C to cure skin cancer...
Skin cancer and Vitamin C
Vitamin C Treatment
When Vitamin C comes into contact with a skin cancer or external tumor (e.g. basel cell carcinoma), it hardens the tumor and forms a crust, such that the scab falls off in 2 weeks or so depending on how big the tumor is and how aggressive you get with the Vitamin C.
The solution is made by adding 1/8 tsp (teaspoon) of pure Vitamin C crystals to 1 tsp of water (a ratio of 1:8). Add any more and the Vitamin C won't dissolve. This should make enough solution to last all day. If more is made than is needed you should store it in a closed container in the refrigerator.
Even better, put 1 or 2 ounces of water (30-60 ml) in a small glass bottle and add 1 tsp of Vitamin C for each ounce of water (that is a 1:6 ratio). If after mixing you don't see any crystals on the bottom then add more Vitamin C until the water won't dissolve anymore. This insures a saturated solution of Vitamin C. The treatment is to apply the mixture (using a cotton swab or Q-Tip) to the tumor. This should be done 2 or 3 times a day. It is best to put a bandage or other cotton covering over the tumor after each treatment, if possible.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
We have to get back to the "Caveman diet"
The water we drink is polluted with chemicals, waste products, fluoride and other toxins that even the water treatment plants don't get rid of before they send it onto you. The food we eat is full of chemicals used as fertilizers and pesticides. Even organically grown food may be infected with toxins drawn up through the water table. Is there any place we can find food that is not toxic to our system? There is, but we have to search for it. Most organic farms try their hardest to eliminate any possible absorptionby the plants.
Meat products are another aspect we must consider if we want to eat healthy. Most of the meats we buy in the supermarkets are from animals fed growth hormones and eat food that is has chemicals in it, thus it is passed onto us. Along with that, eating meats should be limited as consumption of meats leads to many diseases, including cancer.
I have read many articles stating that we have to get back to the "Caveman Diet" in order to cut down the dramatic increase in diseases. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is essential for having a healthy diet and lifestyle. Also, it has been noted that cooking these foods will eliminate the essential vitamins and nutrients that they contain.
Eating excess dietary fat and cholesterol has been documented as the primary causes of many diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and many cancers. Saturated fats are found in meats, whole milk dairy products and all the fast food which are manufactured for consumption. The Caveman Diet didn't have any junk food or processed meats, so this is one reason for the rise of cancer and other diseases the past century and a half.
Uncooked vegetables and fruits are nature’s gift to us as cures to a lot of our ailments. Now days, processed food as refined, cooked and processed for long shelf life. Along with that, most of the nutrients have been boiled out of the food. Since food processors have been packaging our food with food color and preservatives, cancer along with chronic degenerative illnesses have seen rates rise dramatically.
It is imperative that we clear our households of the poisons that are making us sick. I will keep posting more information on our diets and how we need to get "back to nature" in the future.
Now they say Antioxidants are bad for you!!
For every medical report showing that something is good or bad, there will someday be a report that says the complete opposite! This has been true for the past 100 years. For any treatment, there will be a report "proving" that the treatment either doesn't work as promised or worst.
You can take the sythnetic vitamin C vs natural, spring water vs distilled water, Omega 3 fish oil, etc.
Now there is a report out that taking antioxidants in suppliment form not only is doesn't work as advertised, but may actually be harmful for you! Can you believe this?
I have been taking Antioxidants like vitamin C for years and have implemented a supplemental program of taking zinc and vitamin E to counter the diagnosis of early stage prostate cancer. Now who do you believe? If we listen to all these so-called expert reports that counter each other, then we are left not being able to eat, drink or breathe! Nothing is safe. It's dangerous to eat ANY food, drink any water, or breathe the air. We might as well hold our breath until we
die, according to all these reports!
Here's the email that I received last week that started this whole counter antioxidant debate...
WARNING: Don't Take Antioxidants Until You Read This!
By the Underground Health Reporter™
Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
Did You Know...
...that taking high doses of antioxidant supplements -- such as beta carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and selenium -- does not reduce the risk of acquiring diseases, but has also been shown to be poisonous to the human body and may even increase the risk of death?
As long ago as the 1950s, antioxidants became known as miracle supplements because they "reportedly" promoted good health and prevented a host of diseases, including cancer and age-related diseases. According to some estimates, approximately 50% of the adult population in the U.S. take antioxidants on a daily basis for this reason.
Here's a wake-up call: Every long-term study involving antioxidant supplementation provides proof that people get sicker -- not healthier -- when they take antioxidants. In fact, beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E, taken individually or in combination with other antioxidant supplements, are associated with increased all-cause mortality. [Source: The Journal of the
American Medical Association - based on 68 randomized trials with 232,606 participants (385 publications).]
In case you were wondering ... this information is not just another propaganda employed by the medical and pharmaceutical industries to prevent people from using natural therapies, or to deceive people into thinking that drugs are the only solution to disease.
Here are the facts:
Over the last several decades, supplement manufacturers (and even health practitioners) have urged people to take large amounts of antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E because scientists had observed that people whose diets were rich in fruits and vegetables had a lower incidence of heart disease, diabetes, dementia, stroke and certain types of cancer. They formed the hypothesis that since fruits and vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants (which neutralize free radicals in the body), then taking antioxidant supplements would have the same effect.
That hypothesis has been proven wrong. Here's why:
Fruits and vegetables produce antioxidants for good reason -- that is, to protect themselves from oxidative stress. Without antioxidants, oxygen destroys food by combining with elements and burning them up -- hence, vitamin destruction in food (or decay) occurs.
However, dietary antioxidants have virtually no nutritional benefit to the human body. Antioxidants such as ascorbic acid and tocopherols, for instance, are not essential nutrients -- and as such, they should not even be called vitamins at all.
While antioxidants serve their purpose WITHIN a fruit or vegetable, in the human body, they only disrupt normal oxidative reactions in the cell. This is
why they are dangerous to consume (except in the minute amounts ingested from
In summary, if you want to stave off disease and premature aging, there is no substitute to eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants instead of taking antioxidant supplements.
Breathing right! Natural cure for asthma
Apple Cider Vinegar is one way. You can mix two tablespoons of the vinegar with distilled water and drink that. I was able to stop my usage of Advair for about a week by also using a hydrogen peroxide nasal spray that I inhaled by spraying it in the back of my throat, a couple times a day.
During my quest to find a natural cure for asthma, I Googled for help and found some! The one I found most helpful is called the Buteyko breathing exercises. It consists of learning to breathe complete through your nose and doing breathing exercises. These exercises consist of seeing how long you can breathe out and then hold your breath. I have been keeping a chart of my progress and am up to almost a minute without having to take a breath. I have cut way down on my use of Advair, which I am saving for emergency use only.
A quick exercise to clear your nose when it is blocked up is to hold your nose with your fingers, and bob your head up and down from 20-35 times. After a couple times, it clears you right up! No chemicals, no side effects.
Here's some links to this amazing cure for asthma...
Miracle Cure?
Since I have been diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer, I have been doing some pretty intensive research for alternative cures for this disease. After reading horror stories about the side effects of radiation, surgery and radioactive seed implants, I wanted to know if I could go an alternative road. In my journey, I have found many substances that nature provides that can help much better than what the Big Med industry forces us to accept.
Google has been a miracle itself in leading me to some amazing information about possible cures I didn't know existed. However, one lead I got came to me in an email. I got this email from the web site Natural Cures about a miracle natural cure for cancer.
Check out this video, it's pretty amazing...
After watching the video, they have a great explanation of what causes cancer and what can eliminate the cancer cells...
After watching the video and reading their report, I decided to buy the ebook called "The One Minute Cure." It was a wise move. The cure turned out to be food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide!After reading the book, I did a lot of research now on the possibility of Hyrdogen Peroxide as a great treatment for cancer. One of the sites I found was a hospital that now treats people with hydrogen peroxide intravenously and with oral doses. It's in Santa Monica and maybe this is the wave of the future if orthodox medicine finally embraces it...
I found an article written by Dr. David G. Williams, who does an excellent job in describing the benefits of hydrogen peroxide ...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Stevia - A healthy sugar substitute
I ordered online Stevia seeds that came with a book on the subject. Started my seeds indoors around the start of April and about half of them survived the transplanting and the attack of the squirrels. But now, they are getting close to being harvested. I read in my book that the best time to pick the leaves is right before and during the blossoming of the flowers. You can either eat the leaves right off the vine, or dry them for use in teas or making a powdered sweetener. Here's a picture of one of my Stevia plants...

Stevia is 300 times sweeter than granular sugar, so you don’t need to use much. I got two kinds of Stevia extract. One was in a liquid form that uses an eye dropper to dispense it into my coffee. The other is the white powder. I have the powder at work and like the taste of the Stevia. I got the powder back in February and still have the 1 ounce container at work.
I took some pictures of my Stevia plants to share with you and maybe by me posting about the great benefits of using this sugar substitute will convince others to try it.
Alternative cures for cancer - Nature's Way!
Modern day medicine has gone against nature these past 100 years and is literally shoving harmful chemicals down our throats. These chemical “cures” are poisoning our bodies and our minds and are causing more harm than good.
I have known for a long time that the big business of medicine, doctors and related industries have a gold mine going that isn't going to run out of money for a long time.Certain diseases like cancer could have been cured around 50 years ago if the medical institutions put their minds to it. Oh, they claim to be working for the cure, but in reality, they just want to continue getting rich off the sick patients.
While the big medical and the big pharmaceutical industries try their hardest to mile their cash cow, they also campaign against any natural or alternative method of curing diseases which could destroy their industry. They will attack any and all alternative “cures” as risky and unproven, while promoting their expensive and dangerous methods.
I will follow with some articles I have posted on a couple of my forums along with links to articles that will truly awaken people to Nature’s healing powers and the organized cancer called orthodox medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.