Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alternative cures for cancer - Nature's Way!

It is amazing how Nature provides us with a cure for almost every disease and ailment. Throughout the centuries, the people who practiced medicine or were the “healers” in their societies, relied on these cures in nature to heal those in need.

Modern day medicine has gone against nature these past 100 years and is literally shoving harmful chemicals down our throats. These chemical “cures” are poisoning our bodies and our minds and are causing more harm than good.

I have known for a long time that the big business of medicine, doctors and related industries have a gold mine going that isn't going to run out of money for a long time.Certain diseases like cancer could have been cured around 50 years ago if the medical institutions put their minds to it. Oh, they claim to be working for the cure, but in reality, they just want to continue getting rich off the sick patients.

While the big medical and the big pharmaceutical industries try their hardest to mile their cash cow, they also campaign against any natural or alternative method of curing diseases which could destroy their industry. They will attack any and all alternative “cures” as risky and unproven, while promoting their expensive and dangerous methods.
I will follow with some articles I have posted on a couple of my forums along with links to articles that will truly awaken people to Nature’s healing powers and the organized cancer called orthodox medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

1 comment:

  1. I have been doing a lot of research on finding natural cures for prostate cancer, which I was diagnosed having this spring. The treatment for this type of cancer, surgery or radiation, both have some devastating side effects.

    Some of my research has turned up the fact that vitamin D is deficient in a lot of men who get this disease. Even John Hopkins and Roswell Park, two known cancer research centers, are advocating getting more vitamin D in your system to prevent all sorts of cancer. I was supposed to be part of a trial with Roswell for this, but decided to do it on my own as they were going to give mega doses of vitamin D, and I now read that can be harmful.

    Another thing that is natural that is proven to help cancer is Zyflamend, which has been proven to inhibit 78 percent of prostate cancer cells. This article goes into depth about that...

    Tomatoes and tomato paste, sauce, ketchup and other byproducts are supposed to help reduce the cancer or prevent it, along with other veggies such as brocolli.

    I finally found a site that is very interesting and it came at the nick of time, as I didn't know what I was going to do. Was leaning on having the radiation, but now am reconsidering after starting to read this.

    This is a free Ebook online called Cancer Tutor,, where they have Alternative Cancer Treatments. You will be amazed at how the medical industry is aimed at keeping cancer alive an well, while sacrificing the patients it is supposed to save...

    I will post some more links following this, like about the success of pomegranate and its juice to help cancer patients.
