Sunday, March 14, 2010

Search the web for second (and third) opinions!

Back in the day before the Internet, patients mostly accepted the doctor’s opinion and rarely went for a second, or third opinion. Now days, with the ease of obtaining information via the Internet and search engines like Google, a person can explore many options instead of going with just one doctor. He or she can even look up alternative or natural options to see if they can avoid the knife or very toxic drugs that would present serious side effects.

When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I was floored. I mentioned to my doctor that I was considering getting a second opinion. He kind of tried to talk me out of it with some off the cuff remark, but I decided to do a little searching online. I did set up an appointment with Roswell Cancer Institute in Buffalo and sent my lab results there. My original specialist had suggested that I have radioactive seeds implanted, called Brachytherapy, as I would be able to go back to work within 3 days, as opposed to being out a month or so if I had the radical surgery to completely remove my prostate.

At Roswell, I saw 2 specialists and the urologist suggested that I have the Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy, or complete removal. They also wanted me to join a study group that would take vitamin D supplements to study the effects of that.

After this, I decided to explore the Net and find some answers myself before I made up my mind on how to deal with this problem. I found many answers on the Internet that suggested that the big Cancer industry was mostly out for their own profits and that even doctors won’t have the chemotherapy, or other orthodox methods, done to themselves if they have cancer. They seek alternative treatments as they won’t subject themselves to the brutal and barbaric methods of Big Medicine in America.

I have found out through my research on the Internet that there are many answers out there that are much more effective than the treatments offered by the cancer industry. The orthodox treatments are the cash cow of this multi-billion dollar industry and any alternative treatment is considered a threat to their huge profits and will be treated as such. Big Med and Big Pharm have declared war against natural and alternative medicine and will employ every tactic in the books to defeat these enemies.

Using the Internet is one way to beat the propaganda employed by Big Med and much research and comparison is need before a patient can find the ultimate treatment for his ailments. For cancer patients, I would suggest visiting for some very valuable information on natural and alternative cures for cancer.

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