Sunday, March 7, 2010

Breathing right! Natural cure for asthma

I have had asthma for about 25 years or so. Been on emergency inhalers and the past few years have cut down on those by using Advair. However, with my company's insurance going over to the "consumer driven" insurance, it will cost me much more to continue using Advair. So I am trying to find alternative ways to curb my asthma.

Apple Cider Vinegar is one way. You can mix two tablespoons of the vinegar with distilled water and drink that. I was able to stop my usage of Advair for about a week by also using a hydrogen peroxide nasal spray that I inhaled by spraying it in the back of my throat, a couple times a day.

During my quest to find a natural cure for asthma, I Googled for help and found some! The one I found most helpful is called the Buteyko breathing exercises. It consists of learning to breathe complete through your nose and doing breathing exercises. These exercises consist of seeing how long you can breathe out and then hold your breath. I have been keeping a chart of my progress and am up to almost a minute without having to take a breath. I have cut way down on my use of Advair, which I am saving for emergency use only.

A quick exercise to clear your nose when it is blocked up is to hold your nose with your fingers, and bob your head up and down from 20-35 times. After a couple times, it clears you right up! No chemicals, no side effects.

Here's some links to this amazing cure for asthma...


  1. Since my company has dropped our HMO and has gone with a less expensive consumer-driven HSA, I will really have to watch my prescriptions. In fact, I'm trying to ween myself off my asthma medication as I will most likely have to pay the majority of the cost. I take Advair, which I see costs around $180 for a month's prescription.

    I have been using my 3% hydrogen peroxide spray as an alternative, but can only go for around 3 days without using the Advair and then I have to use it for a couple days.

    I have known before that there are breathing exercises for asthma and found several sites yesterday that described this Buteyko breathing method to control asthma...

    The Buteyko (Shallow Breathing) Method for Controlling Asthma

    The Buteyko "Shallow Breathing" method is a simple, easy way to help to help relieve the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory problems. This page explains the actual method in full. Unlike most other Buteyko sites, its not trying to sell you anything.

    Its free, its easy, and it could make a real difference to your asthma in about 7 days.


    Since my company is dropping our HMO and going with a less expensive consumer-driven HSA, I will really have to watch my prescriptions. In fact, I'm trying to ween myself off my asthma medication as I will most likely have to pay the majority of the cost. I take Advair, which I see costs around $180 for a month's prescription.

    I have been using my 3% hydrogen peroxide spray as an alternative, but can only go for around 3 days without using the Advair and then I have to use it for a couple days.

    I have known before that there are breathing exercises for asthma and found several sites yesterday that described this Buteyko breathing method to control asthma...

    The Buteyko (Shallow Breathing) Method for Controlling Asthma

    The Buteyko "Shallow Breathing" method is a simple, easy way to help to help relieve the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory problems. This page explains the actual method in full. Unlike most other Buteyko sites, its not trying to sell you anything.

    Its free, its easy, and it could make a real difference to your asthma in about 7 days.


  2. My blog about hydrogen peroxide states that our system needs oxygen and we need to flood our cells with O2 to stay healthy. With my asthma and the search to find a natural cure, I found this breathing method intriguing. Could just breathing the right way help cure cancer and other diseases?

    What if the best cure for preventing cancer is something that is absolutely free? All these supplements and vitamins are a great start, but in fighting the actual cause of cancer there may be a cure that we have access to every second of the day. What is this magnificiant cure for cancer that even doctors and scientists don't know about? It's breathing! What's more, it's the way we breathe that could be causing cancer and other diseases.

    In my extensive search to find natural cures for cancer and other diseases, I found one this weekend that is related to what we do constantly...breathe. Since I have asthma, I wanted to get off my steroids and find a natural cure or treatment. My company is dropping our HMO and going with a less expensive consumer-driven HSA, I will really have to watch my prescriptions. In fact, I'm trying to ween myself off my asthma medication as I will most likely have to pay the majority of the cost. I take Advair, which I see costs around $180 for a month's prescription.

    Here's a part of a ebook on breathing exercises called "The Buteyko Technique" which is supposed to also help cancer...

  3. We have to manage our breathing better, especially in times of stress and exercise. Breathing through our mouth and taking deep breaths may not be all that good for us. Also, we should learn to slow down our breathing rate. This is also from the site I posted about above...

    There is a Normal Breathing site which has an eBook that you can access to read the research that has been done on the subject:

    This is a great website that discusses how to breath properly using the Buteyko Breathing Method...

  4. I have seen several videos on how to use the Buteyko Breathing Method, and it is mainly focusing on breathing through your nose and not your mouth. Another aspect of it is to try seeing how long you can hold your breath. This is one of the pages I found that describes how we should learn to breath strictly through our nose...
