Sunday, March 7, 2010

Miracle Cure?

Is there a miracle cure to most of our ailments? That is a question that scholars, scientists and doctors have been searching for thousands of years for. There is not such a cure for disease....or is there?

Since I have been diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer, I have been doing some pretty intensive research for alternative cures for this disease. After reading horror stories about the side effects of radiation, surgery and radioactive seed implants, I wanted to know if I could go an alternative road. In my journey, I have found many substances that nature provides that can help much better than what the Big Med industry forces us to accept.

Google has been a miracle itself in leading me to some amazing information about possible cures I didn't know existed. However, one lead I got came to me in an email. I got this email from the web site Natural Cures about a miracle natural cure for cancer.

Check out this video, it's pretty amazing...

After watching the video, they have a great explanation of what causes cancer and what can eliminate the cancer cells...

After watching the video and reading their report, I decided to buy the ebook called "The One Minute Cure." It was a wise move. The cure turned out to be food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide!After reading the book, I did a lot of research now on the possibility of Hyrdogen Peroxide as a great treatment for cancer. One of the sites I found was a hospital that now treats people with hydrogen peroxide intravenously and with oral doses. It's in Santa Monica and maybe this is the wave of the future if orthodox medicine finally embraces it...

I found an article written by Dr. David G. Williams, who does an excellent job in describing the benefits of hydrogen peroxide ...


  1. The secret to the hydrogen peroxide cure is to supply more oxygen to our system. Cancer cells thrive on a low oxygen environment. Supposedly, hydrogen peroxide floods the system with more oxygen than the cancer cells can handle, thus they start dying.

    I am finding a lot of sites that talk about Ozone therapy as a much better way to treat cancer (without all the side effects) and other ailments. That along with hydrogen peroxide treatments, there are options out there other than the ones forced down our throats by the big medical industry, which thrives on keeping these horrendous diseases going as it is their cash cow.

    Here are several sites that I highly recommend for reading on the subject:

    Now here's for the hydrogen peroxide treatments:

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